This is a big time post for me because it is my first public announcement that I’m going to culinary school! Foodgasmic is about to get way more legit people! Before I get into the details of my future I think it’s worth talking about my present. I am a Certified Public Accountant and I have been practicing as one at Ernst & Young for the past three years. I love hearing people’s responses when I spill this news. Am I crazy? Passionate? Care free? The answer to all three is absolutely yes! If you know me well enough you know I think life is far too short to not follow your dreams. I am lucky enough to have built this foundation for my career and am able take a year off and pursue my passion.
I have to take this moment to whole-heartedly explain to the world that I value my time at Ernst & Young tremendously. This company has taught me work ethic equal to that of an Egyptian pyramid builder, no kidding! But more importantly, I have met some of the brightest people in the Accounting industry and these relationships are my most valuable take-away from this job.
You’ll have to excuse me with this post because I cannot help but get sentimental. I mean you would too if you were in my shoes! I am writing this blog sitting in my empty living room of my empty house snacking on a bowl of pasta in red sauce… okay it’s a big bowl but don’t. even. judge. This house is empty because, like the other 500,000 Bostonians, I am moving out of my apartment in two days. I’ve been living in this house for two years and, man, it’s sad to say good-bye.
Saying good-bye to Boston however is much easier when you are saying hello to New York City and Italy. I am attending the Italian Culinary Academy where I will begin my adventures of eating the world! (that thought makes me smile for hours) First stop: New York. Second stop: Italy. The motherland of food and where I will learn how to cook professionally from the masters. Now do you understand the purpose of Foodgasmic? It’s so you can all join me on this journey and salivate over the mouth-watering foods I will be preparing, experiencing and blogging about :)
I’ll end this post with a thought. To all you carb-watching freaks: eat some pasta! How can you resist that el dente dough of deliciousness covered in a garlicy- herbaceous red sauce?? It’s art and I will never turn it down! Unless, of course, you commit the unimaginable sin of messing up the pasta. But that’s why I’m here… I will do everything in my power to spread the wisdom of pasta making… just wait for my next post!
New York: here I come!
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